Rhonda Alexander-Monkres first joined Ho‘ōla iā Mauiakama Long Term Recovery Group as a volunteer board member before becoming executive director in December 2024. The Maui-based organization was established following the August 2023 Lahaina wildfire.

"The Ho'ōla team, board and partners are committed to providing hope for survivors and a pathway to their recovery needs," she told Aloha State Daily. "Hoʻōla and our partners plan to collaborate and rebuild all 813 owner occupied homes and where any of them need assistance, we will create a rebuild roadmap and work alongside each family until they are home."
Aloha State Daily recently spoke with Alexander-Monkres about ongoing recovery efforts the group is most excited about – which currently is housing. The Long Term Recovery Grou plans to rebuild five houses starting in October at a fraction of the cost for individuals and families. We asked about their strategies, which include aid from nearly 40 Mennonite volunteers at a time, in addition to key community partnerships with local business owners and nonprofits such as Lahaina Community Land Trust, Habitat for Humanity Maui, Hawaiʻi Community Lending and more.
Watch highlights from the conversation here:
Free tool for Nonprofits on Maui
Alexander-Monkres also told ASD that nonprofits on Maui that would like a free subscription to the Point Pro tool, a volunteer management system that helps recruit and retain volunteers, email support@mauilongtermrecovery.org for more information or to sign-up. "We have about 75 more slots open and thereʻs no deadline to sign-up."
Ho‘ōla iā Mauiakama Long Term Recovery Group
Rhonda Alexander-Monkres, executive director
Stay up-to-day on Instagram and Facebook
Website: mauilongtermrecovery.org
Kelsey Kukaua Medeiros can be reached at kelsey@alohastatedaily.com.